What is a 2.0 or 2.1?
A 2.0 is a new pattern. Just like a new edition of a textbook, a 2.0 (or a 2.1) version of a pattern features the newest content and best techniques we have to offer. Updates may include improvements in the instructions, layout, illustrations, and/or changes to the finished project itself in order to make it more functional or easier to make. The 2.0 versions may also include Add-on Videos to ensure your success.
A 2.0 is not a correction. We are improving the pattern. Every 2.0 goes through the same process as an entirely new pattern.
Although we recommend that you upgrade to the 2.0, we know that you will be able to make something you will be proud of using the original pattern. We know we have!

Why bother making 2.0 patterns if the original is still great?
As our company grows, we discover new techniques and processes. These discoveries allow us to reshape the pattern process in a whole new way, with improved instructions, illustrations, and much more!
Think of these upgrades like a new version of your current cell phone: The new version isn’t necessary for a good experience if your current phone still works. But, the new phone is better in some respects and has other bells and whistles… in our case, an Add-on Video coupon.
Ultimately, we upgrade a beloved pattern into a 2.0 because we want to share our newfound knowledge with our sewing community. A lot of hard work goes into making the 2.0 a success, and we want you to reap the benefits.
Why do I have to pay for the 2.0 if I have the original? Can't I just download the instructions?
Hours of labor and hard work go into making a 2.0, and they sometimes take more effort than a new original pattern. The 2.0 is more than just a page of upgrades or corrections; the 2.0 is a new product.

We don’t offer the majority of our patterns as downloadable PDFs, and that carries over to our 2.0 patterns.
In theory, downloading the new pattern so you can get your Add-on Video coupon and access everything immediately is a great idea. In practice, it is technologically difficult for us to do. As one example, each of our patterns has an unique code to access the Add-on Video. This means if you and your friend both order ‘Running With Scissors’ and you both get your pattern in the mail, you will each have a different access code for the same video. This is not possible to accomplish with a PDF download.
We also don’t offer trade-ins. We understand that you bought the Open Wide original two years ago, and now you want to send it back to us and have us send you the Open Wide 2.0 pattern for free. If the 2.0 version was part of a recall because the original pattern was bad, we would make good on that. However, the original version is still great to sew and produces a viable project.

How does ByAnnie decide which patterns to make into 2.0's?
Multiple ways. We look at our fan-favorites (like Catch All Caddy or Ultimate Travel Bag) and we ask ourselves ‘Can this be improved?’ Often, the pattern is old enough that it’s worth dusting off and sprucing up.
One key feature of our 2.0’s are the Add-on Videos. Not only do we want to include our new techniques and upgrade the illustrations within the pattern, but we want to offer additional education in the form of a video. Our Add-on Videos do a great job of helping out visually. You can stop and start them whenever you want, rewind, and rewatch.

Add-on Videos are more of a supplemental video than a tutorial, so you’ll still need the pattern. But, the pattern will come with a $5 coupon so you can access the $5 Add-on Video. We think this gives our 2.0’s and new patterns added value.
A couple of our patterns have been made into 2.1’s. These patterns were originally a run of 2.0’s before we began filming our Add-on Videos. We added the ‘.1’ to show that they were updated a final time to include an Add-on Video and updated illustrations.
How much work goes into making a pattern?
So much work! It takes months of hard work by many people to make a new pattern whether it’s a 2.0 or a brand-new pattern.
Originally, Annie was the sole pattern designer. She did a great job, but pattern-writing (or any writing!) always benefits from the input and experience of others.

Now we have a full pattern development team which includes a professional graphic designer, a tech editor, and several prototype-creators and pattern testers. In addition to consulting on a daily basis, the group meets weekly to discuss ideas, review pattern drafts, and make hard decisions. The team works diligently to write, test, and refine each pattern, sewing numerous models as they go.
Once a pattern is finalized and models have been sewn, the process moves into the film and photography stage. Our media team begins writing scripts for the Add-on Videos (and its supplementary videos) and photographing models for social media, vendors, the website, and the pattern cover.
Filming the videos is a lot of work! The Add-on Video is technically a product in its own right. The team goes back and forth on script drafts, film drafts, edits, and more. Annie also has to have step-outs to show the different processes of each project (like a cooking show!). To make the best use of filming time, that sometimes means cutting out and assembling multiple versions of the project.

Once the printed pattern arrives in our warehouse, our assembly and warehouse teams take over! They assemble the patterns, stock our shelves, and ship them out to you as quickly as we can.
And of course, this is all easier said than done!

More on Add-on Videos:
In addition to the revamped pattern instructions and illustrations, each 2.0 also comes with an Add-on Video. These videos allow Annie to be your sewing companion throughout the project. Although the video is not a complete start-to-finish guide, she presents a thorough overview, and covers the most unique and/or challenging steps of the project.
If you haven’t had an opportunity to make a project with the Add-on Video, we highly recommend that you give it a try as you plan your next project. We encourage you to watch the full series before you begin to cut and sew. This is the best time to see the project and visualize how it will evolve into something you will be proud to create.
Sewing and creating patterns is our passion. We work hard to create a product that is thorough and replicable to achieve professional results you can be proud of. We hope that this offers some insight into our process, and explains why we release each 2.0. We thank you for your patience, your time, and your support. You are the reason that we work so hard, and we hope that you will enjoy growing alongside us.
If you're still confused about our 2.0 patterns, feel free to contact us at [email protected]! We would love to answer any questions you might have.
----Happy Stitching!
2.0's Explained Blog