ByAnnie is pleased to announce our latest pattern, Pocket Packers!! Watch the intro video above to find out about this awesome bag, or continue reading below to discover how useful this organizer can be for you!

You'll love using these fantastic bags to sort, store, and carry all types of treasures.
Pocket Packers is perfect for organizing personal items and clothing in a suitcase or to carry supplies to class.
You’ll think of so many ways to use these handy bags!
The Pocket Packers pattern has instructions on how to make bags in 4 different styles, all of which measure 18½”H x 13½”W.
Each bag has a full-sized zippered mesh pocket on the back, and the front contains zippered vinyl pockets in a variety of sizes depending on which style you choose to make.

Because of the variety of zipper choices in this pattern, you'll get a great opportunity to get creative with color.
Try switching out the zipper pull to add a small pop of color, or choose different zipper colors for each of the pockets for an added bit of fun.
Need a little extra help? Take a look at our Zippers are Easy video tutorial series to learn tips such as how to install zippers into a bag, attaching zipper pulls, sewing zippers on curved edges, and more!
Be sure to watch our A Closer Look video to see what items you’ll need to complete your project. You can also find a supply list located on the back cover of your pattern, or online under the “Supply List” tab on the Pocket Packers page.
This pattern has Add-on Video tutorials, which help you through some of the more challenging aspects of the project. A coupon code is provided when you purchase the pattern, allowing you to have access to the videos through your digital library, when logged into your account on

Introducing: Pocket Packers