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Carry On! Hardware, handles, straps and more | Tutorial

Carry On! Hardware, handles, straps and more | Tutorial

In this series of videos Annie will teach you to make handles and straps that perfectly match your project and that are sturdy and strong for long-lasting wear.

Last Update 06/07/2024
Completion Time 1 hour 17 minutes
  • Handles, Straps and a Strap Pad — Join this Course to access content
    • Handles and Straps
    • Make a Carrying Strap Pad
  • More about Hardware, Handles and Straps
    • An Overview
    • Preparing Detachable Straps
    • Choosing Hardware
    • Making and Adjustable Strap
    • Making a Detachable Strap
    • Making an Adjustable Detachable Strap Using a Strap Adjuster
    • Using ½” Hardware for Adjustable, Detachable Straps
    • Conclusion