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Corrections: Double Zip Gear Bag 2.0 (PBA257-2)

Double Zip Gear Bag 2.0 (PBA257-2)

September 17, 2023

On patterns dated before 091723 (see date in middle at bottom of each page), please make these corrections:

​Page 5, figure 15 was missing from the printed versions. Should be:

June 17, 2020

On patterns dated before 061720 (see date in middle at bottom of each page), please make these corrections:

​Page 7, Step III-F-6 should read as follows:

​On the 5½" x 7½" Bag End with the hook-and-loop and Handle attached, make marks 1⅞" in from each side on the top 7½" side (figure 38).

​Page 8, first step in the left column please change the first sentence to read as follows:

​Matching the pins on the sides and bottom, and positioning the teeth of the zippers on the Flap at the line marked 1⅞" from each side, clip the 5½" x 7½" Bag End to the Body of Bag (figure 39).

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