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Find your Add-on video coupon code

                                                          Please note that not all patterns include an Add-On video. 
                          This image will be displayed on your pattern if an Add-On video is available for your pattern.
You will receive your Add-On Video coupon code along with your purchased pattern. 

1. Wait until you receive your physical paper-copy pattern in the mail
2. Open the bag containing your pattern and look for the page that says, "Your unique coupon code" (see image below)
*This page may be its own separate page or on the back of another page.

If your pattern is missing this page, please email us at [email protected]. If your pattern doesn't come with an Add-On video, but you would still like help, check out our free ByAnnie Basics course. The ByAnnie Basics course includes tips and techniques that will help with most of our other patterns.
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